Clinton Steeds: Vidya - Spiritual Knowledge, That Which Illuminates
Clinton Steeds: DCP_2430
Clinton Steeds: DCP_2435
Clinton Steeds: DCP_3727
Clinton Steeds: DCP_4467
Clinton Steeds: DCP_4469
Clinton Steeds: King Fahad Mosque
Clinton Steeds: DCP_4637
Clinton Steeds: King Fahad Mosque Dome
Clinton Steeds: DSC_0202
Clinton Steeds: DSC_0203
Clinton Steeds: DSC_2828
Clinton Steeds: DSC_2845
Clinton Steeds: Graphic Southern Baptist Church
Clinton Steeds: DSC_1921
Clinton Steeds: Spires
Clinton Steeds: DSC_1944a
Clinton Steeds: DSC_1945b
Clinton Steeds: DSC_1951a
Clinton Steeds: And Its Extraneous Details
Clinton Steeds: The Sacred and the Profane
Clinton Steeds: DSC_1976b
Clinton Steeds: DSC_1989
Clinton Steeds: DSC_1994a
Clinton Steeds: DSC_1996a
Clinton Steeds: DSC_1997a
Clinton Steeds: Kneeling
Clinton Steeds: DSC_4117
Clinton Steeds: The Virgin in an Abstract Light