CWMPFB: Sheet metal for sale!
CWMPFB: Sheet metal prices
CWMPFB: Sign adverstising sheet metal to build your shack; Vodofon cell phone center. All over South Africa you'll find old shipping containers turned into shops etc.
CWMPFB: Soweto. The black balls are for making fires.
CWMPFB: Looking towards hostels
CWMPFB: Looking towards old miners' hostel where people now squat. Brand new government housing is in the foreground but people will not live there because you have to pay
CWMPFB: Soweto
CWMPFB: Soweto
CWMPFB: Soweto
CWMPFB: Soweto
CWMPFB: Soweto
CWMPFB: Soweto
CWMPFB: Soweto
CWMPFB: Old cooling tower JoBurg/Soweto power plant. You can bungee jump from the top
CWMPFB: Note the bungee jumping set up b/w the two towers
CWMPFB: Soweto
CWMPFB: Tower at the soccer stadium
CWMPFB: Veld garden at Apartheid Museum
CWMPFB: Veld Garden Apartheid Museum
CWMPFB: Free condoms are available in bathrooms everywhere
CWMPFB: This is one of several signs at the memorial to the 1976 Soweto student uprising
CWMPFB: Famous things and people in Soweto