Chris Winters: Seed hat
Chris Winters: Three of Carol's tomato seeds growing
Chris Winters: Garlic!
Chris Winters: Beets and bush beans and herbs and lettuce
Chris Winters: Pole beans, basil, and dill
Chris Winters: Green beans (l) and snap peas (r)
Chris Winters: Garlic, lettuce, pea shoots, some beets along the right and herbs in the back
Chris Winters: Squash flower
Chris Winters: Lettuces and herbs
Chris Winters: Snap peas and green beans climbing
Chris Winters: Green beans climbing
Chris Winters: Snap peas climbing
Chris Winters: Garlic and random dill, plus a few asparagus and onions
Chris Winters: Cleaned up garden with more tomatoes
Chris Winters: Peppers planted in the front
Chris Winters: Tomatoes from seedlings
Chris Winters: Basil from seedlings
Chris Winters: Tomatoes shipped, plus one wild
Chris Winters: Dill crazy
Chris Winters: Picked a lot of dill
Chris Winters: These snap peas seemed to show up overnight!
Chris Winters: After a bunch of post-vacation cleanup
Chris Winters: A few tomatoes coming
Chris Winters: Some of the extra tomato plants
Chris Winters: Removed all the snap bean stalks
Chris Winters: Rest of the garden: beets may be ready soon...
Chris Winters: Flowering garlic
Chris Winters: Vase of garlic flowers
Chris Winters: Looks like I waited a little too long to harvest this