Chris Winters: Wee bathroom in Paris flat
Chris Winters: Wee kitchen in Paris flat
Chris Winters: Waiting in the flat
Chris Winters: On bench in back of Bidart apartment
Chris Winters: Chasing butterflies
Chris Winters: Riding St Sebastian carousel
Chris Winters: Beach at St. Sebastian
Chris Winters: Flowers in front
Chris Winters: Seaside
Chris Winters: Along the walk above the shore
Chris Winters: City hall dome and statue
Chris Winters: St. Sebastian City hall
Chris Winters: Lions and clock
Chris Winters: Apartments overlooking square
Chris Winters: Fano and Marie
Chris Winters: Old house between Bidart and Biarritz
Chris Winters: Fano making his way out
Chris Winters: Playing in the sand
Chris Winters: Looking over the ocean
Chris Winters: Hello from Bidart!
Chris Winters: Fano, Chris and Ella
Chris Winters: Ocean view
Chris Winters: Thorny!
Chris Winters: Sun over ocean
Chris Winters: Parasailer
Chris Winters: Ocean view
Chris Winters: First leg: shuttle to the airport
Chris Winters: Ready to nap
Chris Winters: Catching the train from Paris to Lyon
Chris Winters: Riding the train to Lyon