Chris Winters: The final cake, all decorated by Barb
Chris Winters: Sporting the Elmo hat at the first first birthday party
Chris Winters: Evalina fits the hat
Chris Winters: Blow!
Chris Winters: Hanging with Jamie
Chris Winters: More hats!
Chris Winters: Barb and Ari
Chris Winters: Casey and cake
Chris Winters: Maybe trying the cake?
Chris Winters: Nah, no cake for me
Chris Winters: Ella cracking up with her best buddy Ev
Chris Winters: David hangs onto the balloon
Chris Winters: Balloons!
Chris Winters: Note to self: always have balloons at birthday parties
Chris Winters: A little out of it at the end of the night
Chris Winters: At the second first birthday party
Chris Winters: Everybody's wearing Elmo hats
Chris Winters: Everybody's wearing Elmo hats
Chris Winters: ...even Gram
Chris Winters: You are getting very sleepy...
Chris Winters: Surveying the cake
Chris Winters: Astonished!
Chris Winters: The Giant Eagle birthday cake
Chris Winters: Not yet ready to blow out the candle
Chris Winters: Barry likes balloons
Chris Winters: Doing a little unwrapping
Chris Winters: Playing with the new baby cell phone
Chris Winters: Which of these blocks go together?