cwgoodroe: Admiralty Station
cwgoodroe: Yum Yum Dim Sum
cwgoodroe: What Are You Offering Me
cwgoodroe: Waiting Sampans
cwgoodroe: View From Victoria Peak
cwgoodroe: View From The Metro Park Hotel
cwgoodroe: Too Many Choices
cwgoodroe: The Three Offerings
cwgoodroe: The Path To Enlightenment
cwgoodroe: The Hong Kong Fish Monger
cwgoodroe: The Butcher Looks Like He Might Chop Me Up
cwgoodroe: Subway Tiles
cwgoodroe: Stanley Harbour
cwgoodroe: Skyline
cwgoodroe: School Kids All Lined Up
cwgoodroe: Sampan Sam
cwgoodroe: Sampan Man
cwgoodroe: Sampan Life In Aberdeen
cwgoodroe: Room With A View
cwgoodroe: Rib Salesman
cwgoodroe: P1040644
cwgoodroe: On His Boat With His Paper
cwgoodroe: Offerings In The Sky
cwgoodroe: Offering
cwgoodroe: Now Thats A Big Buddha
cwgoodroe: Now That Floor Shines
cwgoodroe: Navigating Oarsman
cwgoodroe: Name One... If You Can
cwgoodroe: Monkey Looks AtThe Buddha
cwgoodroe: Lotus Offering