cwgoodroe: Angles
cwgoodroe: Enjoying the Surf
cwgoodroe: Enjoying the Rocks Along the GG
cwgoodroe: Catching a Wave
cwgoodroe: Surfin' the Gate
cwgoodroe: From Under The Gate
cwgoodroe: Surfin the Gate
cwgoodroe: Surfin the Gate
cwgoodroe: IMGP3075
cwgoodroe: Cowabunga Dude!
cwgoodroe: No Time For Toes to the Nose
cwgoodroe: IMGP3071
cwgoodroe: IMGP3070
cwgoodroe: Surfin Under the Gate
cwgoodroe: Surfin the Gate
cwgoodroe: MSC Comin' Through
cwgoodroe: MCS on its Way In
cwgoodroe: IMGP3043
cwgoodroe: Surfin' the Gate