Cwep: Skiing Apex Alpine Resort, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Skiing Apex Alpine Resort, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Skiing Apex Alpine Resort, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Skiing Apex Alpine Resort, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Skiing Apex Alpine Resort, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Skiing Apex Alpine Resort, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Okanagan Lake from the Kettle Valley Railway trail, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Okanagan Lake from the Kettle Valley Railway trail, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Okanagan Lake from the Kettle Valley Railway trail, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Okanagan Lake from the Kettle Valley Railway trail, Penticton, BC
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Cwep: Mt. Abraham from Preacher's Point, David Thompson Country
Cwep: Okanagan Lake from the Kettle Valley Railway trail, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Okanagan Lake from the Kettle Valley Railway trail, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Old meets New, Golden, BC
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Cwep: Okanagan Lake, Penticton, B.C.
Cwep: Skiing Apex Alpine Resort, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Skiing Apex Alpine Resort, Penticton, BC
Cwep: New Years Eve FIreworks, Penticton, B.C.
Cwep: New Years Eve Fireworks, Penticton, B.C.
Cwep: View from Apex Alpine Ski Resort, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Okanagan Lake, Penticton, B.C.
Cwep: View from Kicking Horse Ski Resort, Golden, B.C.
Cwep: Snowshoeing Snowflake trail, Okanagan Vista trail system
Cwep: Okanagan Lake, Penticton, B.C.
Cwep: New Years Eve at the Hooded Merganster, Penticton, BC
Cwep: Okanagan Lake, Penticton, B.C.
Cwep: New Years Eve Fireworks, Penticton, B.C.
Cwep: New Years Eve Fireworks, Penticton, B.C.