Vincent Sheed: 讓高牆倒下
Vincent Sheed: 這是?
Vincent Sheed: DSC_5623_557
Vincent Sheed: 掛在餐廳更添風味
Vincent Sheed: 肉粿說像褲子
Vincent Sheed: 和姐姐玩
Vincent Sheed: DSC_5556_495
Vincent Sheed: End of the 2014
Vincent Sheed: 烤紅蝦
Vincent Sheed: 帥嗎?
Vincent Sheed: 剛睡醒的側臉
Vincent Sheed: DSC_5318_343
Vincent Sheed: 小小鼓手
Vincent Sheed: 學機器人跳舞
Vincent Sheed: 會吹捲捲玩具了!耶
Vincent Sheed: 媽媽生日快樂! 聖誕快樂!
Vincent Sheed: DSC_4658
Vincent Sheed: 2014 聖誕快樂!
Vincent Sheed: "棒子, 刺刺的"
Vincent Sheed: 把東西藏在沙發縫裡
Vincent Sheed: 被抓到了
Vincent Sheed: 躲貓貓
Vincent Sheed: 作麵條~~
Vincent Sheed: 阿公教你打拳
Vincent Sheed: 我來幫你拖地
Vincent Sheed: DSC_4170