Ah-sheng: Sunrise at Copacabana Beach
Ah-sheng: Sunrise at Copacabana Beach
Ah-sheng: Sunrise at Rio de Jeneiro
Ah-sheng: Sunrise at Copacabana Beach
Ah-sheng: 傾倒的樹木
Ah-sheng: 街景之一
Ah-sheng: Water taxi
Ah-sheng: 非常快樂的舞者
Ah-sheng: Lisa 在沙灘網魚
Ah-sheng: [2/3] Ig. Zamula - 沙灘休閒
Ah-sheng: 歸途 Way home
Ah-sheng: 暮色中 Way home 2
Ah-sheng: 滑過黑色的果凍 Way home 3
Ah-sheng: Baby caiman
Ah-sheng: 花,漂亮!
Ah-sheng: 水越來越紅 ⋯ Dialog among the fallen leaves, the water and the light 4
Ah-sheng: Water, leaves and light Dialog among the fallen leaves, the water and the light 5
Ah-sheng: 落葉、流水與光的對話 Dialog among the fallen leaves, the water and the light 3
Ah-sheng: 落葉、流水與光的對話 Dialog among the fallen leaves, the water and the light 6
Ah-sheng: 落葉、流水與光的對話 Dialog among the fallen leaves, the water and the light 2
Ah-sheng: Water, leaves and light Dialog among the fallen leaves, the water and the light 7
Ah-sheng: 落葉、流水與光的對話 Dialog among the fallen leaves, the water and the light
Ah-sheng: 優雅的一群
Ah-sheng: 357B9C0E-AF61-11D9-A149-000A95E66FE4
Ah-sheng: 甲蟲從這裡進去,裡面不但有食物,而且溫暖
Ah-sheng: 裡面是甲蟲一夜情的密室
Ah-sheng: 雌蕊在裡面接受甲蟲帶來的花粉
Ah-sheng: Water lilly flower 8