Ah-sheng: Road Sign 馬路上的標示
Ah-sheng: Path to the Chapel 通往教堂的小路
Ah-sheng: Under repair 外部在修建中已經很久了
Ah-sheng: Ceiling decorated with icons 鑲滿圖案的天花板
Ah-sheng: Beautiful carvings 廊柱上精緻的雕飾
Ah-sheng: Ceiling and window 天花板與彩繪窗
Ah-sheng: Windows and decors 窗及牆的雕飾
Ah-sheng: Stained glass window - an airman 彩繪玻璃窗,兩位聖人伴著一個飛行員
Ah-sheng: Stained glass window - St. Francis 彩繪玻璃窗,聖法蘭西斯
Ah-sheng: The famous Mason Pillar 著名的泥匠之柱
Ah-sheng: The famous Apprentice Pillar 著名的門徒之柱
Ah-sheng: Close up of Aprrentice Pillar 門徒之柱特寫
Ah-sheng: Ceiling and upper windows 天花板與上層窗
Ah-sheng: 每一根柱子都雕塑得很精緻
Ah-sheng: The atar 祭台
Ah-sheng: The basement 地下室
Ah-sheng: Sketches of the upper chapel on the wall 牆上有上面教堂的建築設計圖
Ah-sheng: Anel on the wall 地下室牆上的天使
Ah-sheng: Flowers by a window 窗台上的花束
Ah-sheng: Possible burial site of St. Clair 建蓋教堂的St. Clair 可能的墓地
Ah-sheng: Sculputures on the outside wall 外牆的聖人像
Ah-sheng: Roses carvings 屋簷雕的玫瑰
Ah-sheng: Sculptures on the outside wall 外牆的聖人像
Ah-sheng: Faded paiint on the outside wall 漆色殘留的外牆
Ah-sheng: Lots of icons on the outside pillars 屋頂柱子還是刻著各種符號
Ah-sheng: Great craftsmanship 精緻的手工
Ah-sheng: At the front door 正門前的碑牌
Ah-sheng: Rooftop under repair 修復中的屋頂
Ah-sheng: Rooftop under repair 修復中的屋頂
Ah-sheng: Window at the side walls 側邊的窗頂