Bobby McCruff: A bull in a summer landscape - late afternoon
Bobby McCruff: Nämdöfjärden late september
Bobby McCruff: Långholmen
Bobby McCruff: Small ships at sea
Bobby McCruff: Sunset
Bobby McCruff: A tree and cows in a landscape
Bobby McCruff: sunset and birds
Bobby McCruff: Bird & Ballons
Bobby McCruff: Swedish summer
Bobby McCruff: Swedish summer
Bobby McCruff: engines
Bobby McCruff: The End of the World
Bobby McCruff: Evening light
Bobby McCruff: Björnöreservatet
Bobby McCruff: Långholmen
Bobby McCruff: Light in spring
Bobby McCruff: A cow and sheep in a coastal landscape
Bobby McCruff: Sheep in a summer landscape
Bobby McCruff: Autumn light
Bobby McCruff: Cows in a coastal landscape
Bobby McCruff: Ships - Baltic sea
Bobby McCruff: Sulking cows
Bobby McCruff: Birds in a waterscape
Bobby McCruff: The end of the world
Bobby McCruff: stockholm archipelago
Bobby McCruff: Horses in a landscape - late afternoon
Bobby McCruff: Biskopsudden - sunset
Bobby McCruff: Big oak tree
Bobby McCruff: Rain approaching
Bobby McCruff: Årstaviken