cutles: first view of the backpacks
cutles: tough in sneaks
cutles: poor goat was still panting
cutles: when life gives you snow, improvise
cutles: before hidden lake
cutles: Quizzical goat
cutles: marmot 1
cutles: And for his next trick...
cutles: camelback discovery by Laura
cutles: cooling off at Florence Falls
cutles: at Sunrift Gorge
cutles: so many good sunspots...
cutles: St. Mary lake
cutles: way, way better than work
cutles: 44 North bottle, first night
cutles: view from the Red Eagle Motel
cutles: swiftcurrent lake sunset
cutles: Sunset over Salamander glacier
cutles: busy, busy bees
cutles: This kept us to the low routes