cutewind: 牛腩
cutewind: 咖哩炸蝦仁
cutewind: 鰻魚跟魚漿的可樂餅
cutewind: 土雞肉
cutewind: 拼盤開胃菜
cutewind: 甜點
cutewind: 主菜
cutewind: 清湯
cutewind: 前菜
cutewind: 吃晚飯囉
cutewind: 點的叻沙麵
cutewind: 馬鈴薯
cutewind: 切開的烤火雞
cutewind: Baby甘藍菜炒洋蔥與碎培根
cutewind: 餡料麵包
cutewind: 烤火雞
cutewind: 烤火雞
cutewind: 英式燒餅
cutewind: 整組打開放在桌上
cutewind: 甘藍菜與肉汁與馬鈴薯與英式麵包
cutewind: 烤火雞禮盒外觀
cutewind: 外觀
cutewind: 栗子香薑巧克力舒芙里塔佐葡萄乾醬Chestnut ginger spiced and chocolate tart souffle with raisin sauce
cutewind: 菲力牛排與碳烤虎蝦佐香蒜洋芋泥 Beef fillet with basil sauce, grilled tiger prawn and garlic mash potato
cutewind: 菲力牛排與碳烤虎蝦佐香蒜洋芋泥 Beef fillet with basil sauce, grilled tiger prawn and garlic mash potato
cutewind: 煙燻鮭魚蟹肉捲佐蘋果與檸檬沙司 Crab meat wrapped smoked salmon with apple and lemon vinaigrette
cutewind: 煙燻鮭魚蟹肉捲佐蘋果與檸檬沙司 Crab meat wrapped smoked salmon with apple and lemon vinaigrette
cutewind: 第三杯威士忌
cutewind: 波菜洋梨沙拉佐覆盆子胡桃醬 Spinach and pear salad with raspberry walnut dressing
cutewind: 波菜洋梨沙拉佐覆盆子胡桃醬 Spinach and pear salad with raspberry walnut dressing