cutestmidget: Dani in an AMERICAN SUPERMARKET demonstrating the awesomeness of the coffee cup holder in the shopping trolley
cutestmidget: Just hanging on Redondo Beach
cutestmidget: Brooke & Justin looking super adorable in their sunnies on the beach
cutestmidget: Gui posing and apparently thinking that we were on muscle beach. Wrong beach dude.
cutestmidget: Muffinou in America
cutestmidget: LA girl Dani!
cutestmidget: Redondo beach
cutestmidget: Dani and I about to eat a giant burrito. This is my VERY excited grin.
cutestmidget: SarahTexasSarah is too cute for words!
cutestmidget: Waiting for the breakfast mimosas
cutestmidget: Trying to figure out the best route to get to Hollywood Boulevard
cutestmidget: Brooke & Justin translated the menu for me
cutestmidget: Kef & I in LA!
cutestmidget: Muffinou, Kathryn & Seb & THE OCEAN!
cutestmidget: Kathryn & Muffinou, chillin', 4th of July style
cutestmidget: France meets America!
cutestmidget: WE WERE IN AMERICA!
cutestmidget: AHH! 4TH OF JULY IN AMERICA!
cutestmidget: Even the dogs get down with the 4th of July
cutestmidget: Someone really liked the cookies
cutestmidget: Margarita in a BUCKET! Who knew?!
cutestmidget: Someone has fragile skin
cutestmidget: Clapping! Too cute for words!
cutestmidget: 4th July Fireworks at Dodgers Stadium!
cutestmidget: Katia & Kathryn in LA