cutestmidget: La cuisinier des champignons
cutestmidget: Chez Régis et Jacques Marcon, Saint-Bonnet-le-Froid
cutestmidget: A glimpse of the kitchen
cutestmidget: Coffee time (or I can't believe they want us to put MORE stuff in our mouths)
cutestmidget: the REAL dessert. Millefeuille aux figues & pommes... cidre de pomme. sorbet de figue
cutestmidget: mignardises (2 plates of it!)
cutestmidget: a kind of trou normand. but different
cutestmidget: non-traditional cheese platter
cutestmidget: cheese trolley (view 2)
cutestmidget: chevreuil. and deliciousness
cutestmidget: cheese trolley (view 1)
cutestmidget: foie gras (sautéed) on top of something delicious. and an appley compotey thing with a noisette in glazed sugar
cutestmidget: my granité (instead of the thé aux champignons)
cutestmidget: salmon. and deliciousness
cutestmidget: seafood. and deliciousness
cutestmidget: cold green moussey stuff. with a cream on top. and beignet aux seiches.
cutestmidget: warm soupe aux poireaux and cold chataigne foam on top
cutestmidget: amuse-bouches
cutestmidget: part of the entrance to le clos des cimes