cutestmidget: Kyliemac even tries her hand at gymnastics!
cutestmidget: Looking incredibly chick in a white jacket that few could pull off, Antipo helps her darling daughter do a handstand
cutestmidget: An exhibition of incredible gymnastic prowess by Pauline
cutestmidget: Kevin, all smiles
cutestmidget: The ever-adorable Antipodéesse
cutestmidget: Squeak
cutestmidget: "the cake"
cutestmidget: Some of the gang, hanging out at the bottom of the garden
cutestmidget: Such poise! Such class! Can't you imagine Marie Antoinette doing the same thing?
cutestmidget: Such elegance when throwing a nerf ball!
cutestmidget: Catch!
cutestmidget: Kevin tries his hand at baseball
cutestmidget: Smiling Pauline
cutestmidget: Muppet gets into trouble
cutestmidget: This is what I want my backyard to be...
cutestmidget: The au pair that is better than yours with Pouplette