cutestmidget: A long walk in the woods
cutestmidget: White flower
cutestmidget: Purple flower
cutestmidget: Allée couverte du Bois-Couturier
cutestmidget: Lizard
cutestmidget: Lizard
cutestmidget: I'd like to sit here and think
cutestmidget: Sunny side up
cutestmidget: Yellow flower
cutestmidget: Bluebell
cutestmidget: The forest floor
cutestmidget: Grooming in the late afternoon sun
cutestmidget: Enthusiasm
cutestmidget: Pauline thought the monkeys were hilarious
cutestmidget: The one hundred euro photo
cutestmidget: The muffin man and his big lens...
cutestmidget: A ridiculous amount of fairy floss
cutestmidget: Pensive Pauline watches the seals being fed
cutestmidget: Kevin watching the seals being fed
cutestmidget: Kevin attacking a brownie
cutestmidget: Fish and chips
cutestmidget: The glamorously gorgeous Antipo and Pauline
cutestmidget: Late afternoon view over etang hubert in the Rambouillet forest
cutestmidget: The sun on the water
cutestmidget: Itty witty lady bug
cutestmidget: The wish has been made
cutestmidget: Make a wish
cutestmidget: Tiny yellow flower
cutestmidget: Dragonfly
cutestmidget: Canola