cutestmidget: Père Lachaise Métro
cutestmidget: Ground covered in leaves and stone
cutestmidget: Thy will be done
cutestmidget: Dude with a dog head
cutestmidget: Dog head
cutestmidget: One of the thousands of stained glass windows
cutestmidget: Matriarch
cutestmidget: Oscar Wilde's grave
cutestmidget: Reclining
cutestmidget: The only way is up
cutestmidget: Where are we ?
cutestmidget: The walk to the entrance of the Père Lachaise cemetery
cutestmidget: Playing with DoF
cutestmidget: Famouse fantasmagorian, Etienne-Gaspard Robertson
cutestmidget: Flying skull on the tomb of Etienne-Gaspard Robertson
cutestmidget: Climbing out
cutestmidget: The sun comes out! for two seconds...
cutestmidget: Autumn in Père Lachaise cemetery
cutestmidget: Plaits
cutestmidget: Crooked
cutestmidget: Up the stairs
cutestmidget: Shallow
cutestmidget: Da Vinci Code ?