cutestmidget: Being zen
cutestmidget: I see you !
cutestmidget: The beach is teeming with artists
cutestmidget: This is what passes for a beach in Normandy
cutestmidget: Yep, this is really what they call a beach in Normandy
cutestmidget: Walk the walk
cutestmidget: Oh that way (aka Kyliemac discovers that she has a bellybutton)
cutestmidget: Walk this way
cutestmidget: The Thinker
cutestmidget: Wax on, wax off
cutestmidget: Pretty birds
cutestmidget: Parachuting
cutestmidget: Which way do we go ?
cutestmidget: Being Special in Normandy
cutestmidget: Is this thing on ?
cutestmidget: Happy gal !
cutestmidget: Will you girls keep it down to a dull roar ?
cutestmidget: Driving along, sunroof open
cutestmidget: The rowdy lot
cutestmidget: Off in the distance
cutestmidget: My birks
cutestmidget: Paddling in the shallows
cutestmidget: Chillin'
cutestmidget: A famous view
cutestmidget: Pirate cave
cutestmidget: A famous view
cutestmidget: I love to go a sailing
cutestmidget: Kimmmmeeeeh
cutestmidget: I'm sure I tucked my groove here somewhere