customBRICKS: Lil'FIGS - coming soon
customBRICKS: Lil'FIGS
customBRICKS: Luck of the Irish
customBRICKS: Lego Batman Lil'FIG
customBRICKS: Lego Optimus Prime
customBRICKS: R2 & C3PO Lego Lil'FIGS
customBRICKS: Green Lantern Lego Lil'FIG
customBRICKS: Yoda Lil'FIG
customBRICKS: Bumblebee Lil'FIG
customBRICKS: Thing lil'FIG
customBRICKS: Lego Iron Men
customBRICKS: Chewbacca Lil'FIG
customBRICKS: Luke Skywalker
customBRICKS: Princess Leia
customBRICKS: Hellboy
customBRICKS: Boba Fett
customBRICKS: Wolverine
customBRICKS: Good Ol' Charlie Brown
customBRICKS: Spiderman
customBRICKS: Darth Vader
customBRICKS: Darth Maul
customBRICKS: storm-trooper
customBRICKS: Nightcrawler lil'FIG
customBRICKS: Battle Damaged Vader
customBRICKS: Jawa lil'FIG
customBRICKS: Leonardo lil'FIG
customBRICKS: RoboCop lil'FIG