unreading himself and others - roth philip, a study in red, copper and green - the philosophy still fills us up
"has Kafka ever slept with a woman other than on friendly terms ?" was more or less the question the newspaper Die Welt asked itself on september 1st 2012
Queen and king of the forests - Claire Diterzi the musician that never quests meets alain corbin the writer that never rests
three men in a parisian bloom's day, three irish fairies walking as in a boat in the rue du Quai
taurographie photomachique - villerville en mars 2013, "where the tigers binge drink like monkeys and the donkeys think big like riggers"
Eszter a thousand feet down the river's bottom deep memories resurfaces at times to meet the sully air
bricolage d'une couverture translucide pour le baret de shakespeare trouvé sur e-bay par koppelman et wechsler