cursedthing: I met Mark!
cursedthing: Speaking with Congressman Ellison about Healthcare
cursedthing: a group shot
cursedthing: Senator Klobuchar
cursedthing: Tim Walz
cursedthing: Congressman Walz listening to Health Care concerns
cursedthing: Congressman Tim Walz
cursedthing: Congressman Tim Walz and MNA President
cursedthing: We Met Congressman Walz in front of Republican Leader John Boehner's office
cursedthing: with Congressman Tim Walz
cursedthing: Governor Howard Dean
cursedthing: At the White House!
cursedthing: Congressman Keith Ellison, Asskicker for the people.
cursedthing: Meeting with Sen. Klobuchar's health care person
cursedthing: Fighting for Health care for all!