cursedthing: Al & Mo
cursedthing: waiting
cursedthing: Watching for the plane
cursedthing: The room gets quiet.
cursedthing: Bill Clinton talks with folks
cursedthing: The Sparks family with Bill CLinton
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton with Rochester, MN Mayor Ardell Brede
cursedthing: MN State Rep Tina Liebling with Former President Bill Clinton
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton and (My) State Senator Ann Lynch
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton and State Senator, Dan Sparks
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton and MN State Senator Sharon Erickson Ropes
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton and Former State Senator Sheila Kiscaden
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton and City Council member, Marcia Marcoux
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton and City Council member, Sandra Means
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton and MN State Rep Andy Welti
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton and State Rep Kim Norton
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton and Rochester, MN Mayor Ardell Brede
cursedthing: just a couple of Presidents :)
cursedthing: Clinton with the Rochester Delegation
cursedthing: Lynn WIlson and Bill Clinton
cursedthing: A Corn Plastic cup
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton
cursedthing: The Mayor tells Bill Clinton a joke
cursedthing: William Jefferson Clinton
cursedthing: Me & Clinton
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton
cursedthing: Former President Bill Clinton