Curry puff, lah!: Combination.
Curry puff, lah!: The quick glance.
Curry puff, lah!: The eternal gaze.
Curry puff, lah!: 18 - Thanks.
Curry puff, lah!: 17 - When it's like this, she's like an angel.
Curry puff, lah!: 16 - You just couldn't stand it when she called you boring.
Curry puff, lah!: 15 - You idiots! Come down here this instant!
Curry puff, lah!: 14 - Whew! That was fun!
Curry puff, lah!: 13 - YAY! I CAN DO IT TOO!
Curry puff, lah!: 12 - DADDY! THAT LOOKS FUN!!
Curry puff, lah!: 11 - Hehehe! I'm walking on edge!
Curry puff, lah!: 10 - Look! I got here by myself!
Curry puff, lah!: (08) - Gotcha!!
Curry puff, lah!: (07) - We can sit here for the mean time.
Curry puff, lah!: (06) - "Don't worry, she'll be fine. I'll tour you around Khursten's school."
Curry puff, lah!: (05) - "Hmm... I should stay with Yotsuba-chan."
Curry puff, lah!: (04) - And reached the top.
Curry puff, lah!: (03) - She even climbed walls
Curry puff, lah!: (03) - And Yotsuba-chan played again.
Curry puff, lah!: (02) - Of course, it was a play date.
Curry puff, lah!: (01) - An invitation.