currybet: Customised Xmas glass
currybet: An almost White Xmas
currybet: Santa found us in Munich
currybet: Advent over
currybet: Xmas in our room
currybet: Merry Keswick!
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currybet: Martin's Xmas dinner
currybet: Grandma at Christmas
currybet: Our Christmas decorations
currybet: Advent
currybet: Our Xmas cards
currybet: Christmas show window animatronic toy display
currybet: Mexican bar
currybet: Graveyard in Munich
currybet: Christkindl market
currybet: Christkindl markt
currybet: Xmas goodies
currybet: Welcome to Christkindl
currybet: Christmas market
currybet: Christmas fayre
currybet: Hellbrun Christmas market
currybet: Salzburg's ice rink and Christmas market
currybet: Salzburg Christmasmarkt
currybet: Festive me with a USB powered Xmas tree
currybet: "Hair News" do Santa
currybet: Schloss Hellbrunn advent calender
currybet: Hellbrunn gardens
currybet: Reindeer
currybet: Salzburg turmblasen