currybet: First dance
currybet: The first dance
currybet: The first dance
currybet: The best man joins the first dance. Sort of.
currybet: Mark Hewis
currybet: "So to get back via Ely I would have to catch the 9:30 train"....
currybet: The boys in laptop corner
currybet: The moment of flash
currybet: Scottish photographer in action
currybet: "Look, there are little people trapped inside the camera. And they look like our friends"
currybet: Mark & Nick
currybet: Laptop music
currybet: Dancing in front of the laptops
currybet: Dancing
currybet: The Scadden in its' natural state
currybet: Tom busts some dope moves on the dance floor. With beer in hand.
currybet: The Scadmeister
currybet: Mixed bunch
currybet: Robin organises
currybet: The happy couple depart
currybet: "That's not smiling. That's being arrested"