curlygraffix: Low (in the water) Profile
curlygraffix: Texture Mix
curlygraffix: Aaaaaarrrrggghhh, it's coming for me!
curlygraffix: Lake Michelin
curlygraffix: In Through The Out Door
curlygraffix: Little Monster
curlygraffix: Streaky Sky
curlygraffix: In a Rut
curlygraffix: Round the Bend
curlygraffix: Quarry Building
curlygraffix: Pond Reflection
curlygraffix: Reflective
curlygraffix: Another Quarry View
curlygraffix: Worried
curlygraffix: Wall Art
curlygraffix: Quarry View
curlygraffix: You can lead a horse to water...
curlygraffix: Towards the Beacons
curlygraffix: Sunrise at Trefil
curlygraffix: Lakeside
curlygraffix: Twisted
curlygraffix: Sentinels
curlygraffix: Route back to Merthyr
curlygraffix: Remember Me Please
curlygraffix: Quarry Reflection
curlygraffix: On the Right Track
curlygraffix: Martian Landscape
curlygraffix: Horse Ridge