Curly_Boy: Happily drawing New York beauties!
Curly_Boy: Finalising my New York Beauty design.
Curly_Boy: Fabric pull for the NYB. Fairview Chicopee by Denise Schmidt and some extras.
Curly_Boy: NYB cutting done.
Curly_Boy: NYB progress for the Doll Quilt Swap.
Curly_Boy: NYB for DQS
Curly_Boy: New York Beauty progress
Curly_Boy: New York Beauty
Curly_Boy: New York Beauty block is done!
Curly_Boy: Quilting the New York Beauty!
Curly_Boy: New York Beauty for the Doll Quilt Swap 13 done!
Curly_Boy: Close up of New York Beauty for the Doll Quilt Swap 13.
Curly_Boy: Back with label of DQS13
Curly_Boy: Doll Quilt Swap getting ready to go in the post!