Curious Stranger: That's a lot of grain
Curious Stranger: Alex does unspeakable things to Rob's work laptop
Curious Stranger: The pot is full
Curious Stranger: Taking the grain temperature
Curious Stranger: Firing up the burner
Curious Stranger: Relocating the burner away from the wall
Curious Stranger: Magic hour
Curious Stranger: 114° and rising
Curious Stranger: Adding the grain
Curious Stranger: Propane jets
Curious Stranger: Still boiling
Curious Stranger: Doing the german word
Curious Stranger: Stirring the mash
Curious Stranger: Boiling the hops
Curious Stranger: The Chiller
Curious Stranger: Taking a sample
Curious Stranger: Taking another sample
Curious Stranger: Pitching the yeast
Curious Stranger: Pitching the yeast