Just Karen: cool car!
Just Karen: hm, what is this?
Just Karen: biting in to the cupcake
Just Karen: the birthday cupcake!
Just Karen: Falling asleep sitting up
Just Karen: Sleepy boy
Just Karen: watching the waves
Just Karen: walking away
Just Karen: escaping
Just Karen: fascinating mulch
Just Karen: mei tai baby
Just Karen: "How do I put this thing on?"
Just Karen: wrinkly nose
Just Karen: "Pick me up, please!"
Just Karen: sun worshipper
Just Karen: at the beach
Just Karen: wet butt
Just Karen: wave coming!
Just Karen: waiting for a wave
Just Karen: sacked out
Just Karen: departure
Just Karen: baby angst
Just Karen: second haircut
Just Karen: captivated
Just Karen: choosing fruit
Just Karen: "hey tot, how about posing on the bed?"
Just Karen: "hey mom, how about picking me up?"
Just Karen: future math wiz
Just Karen: helping himself
Just Karen: swimming