Curious Expeditions: Cabinet of Sealife
Curious Expeditions: Nests in Cases
Curious Expeditions: Shells, seemingly just dumped in.
Curious Expeditions: Cabinet of Natural Wonders
Curious Expeditions: Rotary Reading Desk (aka a Bücherrad)
Curious Expeditions: Theological Hall - Original Boroque Cabinets
Curious Expeditions: Theological Hall; Statue of John the Evangelist Holding a Book
Curious Expeditions: The Binding of the Strahov Evangeliary (9th-16th C.)
Curious Expeditions: Large Static-Electricity Machine
Curious Expeditions: Narwhal Tusk and Other Stuff
Curious Expeditions: Hallway Lines with Books
Curious Expeditions: Strahov Monastery Library
Curious Expeditions: Specimens of Fish
Curious Expeditions: Cabinet with Apples (?)
Curious Expeditions: Cabinets of Shells
Curious Expeditions: Cabinet of Crabs and Other Sealife
Curious Expeditions: Specimen of a Large Egg
Curious Expeditions: Cabinet with Armadillo