Curious Expeditions: Bust of a pope
Curious Expeditions: Striped Belltower of the Duomo
Curious Expeditions: Statues on the Exterior of the Duomo
Curious Expeditions: Angel at the top of the Duomo
Curious Expeditions: Exterior of the Duomo
Curious Expeditions: Romulus and Remus raised by a wolf statue
Curious Expeditions: Scene from the life of Enea Silvio Piccolomini
Curious Expeditions: Ceiling of the Piccolomini Library
Curious Expeditions: Piccolomini Library, Statue of the Three Graces in the background
Curious Expeditions: Slaughter of the Innocents panel, by Matteo di Giovanni
Curious Expeditions: Black and White Marble Striped Columns
Curious Expeditions: The Vaulted Hexagonal Roof
Curious Expeditions: Marble Mosaic Floor in Siena's Duomo
Curious Expeditions: From the Mosaic "Story of Fortuna"
Curious Expeditions: Romulus and Remus, raised by a wolf
Curious Expeditions: Unicorn in the Incredible Mosaic Floor
Curious Expeditions: Striped Interior of the Duomo ll
Curious Expeditions: Striped Interior of the Duomo
Curious Expeditions: Statues with worn faces