the measure of mike: lisa, has arrived.
the measure of mike: attentive
the measure of mike: canal walks
the measure of mike: DSC_4241.jpg
the measure of mike: retro store
the measure of mike: DSC_4473.jpg
the measure of mike: a synthesis of styles
the measure of mike: farmer's market
the measure of mike: lisa and chris on tour
the measure of mike: DSC_4512.jpg
the measure of mike: spring signs
the measure of mike: DSC_4548.jpg
the measure of mike: biggest buddha
the measure of mike: DSC_4720.jpg
the measure of mike: DSC_4770.jpg
the measure of mike: of the day
the measure of mike: restaurant menu
the measure of mike: ice delivery
the measure of mike: pattern forming
the measure of mike: calzone, not turkey
the measure of mike: matsumoto, matsumoto
the measure of mike: from the train window
the measure of mike: reaching in red