Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Can you believe it, it's me with Molly of @ipasticcidimolly!!! How amazing is that?!?!!! And guess what, she even signed my book! 😊 I'm so thrilled. . #cakingbucketlist #questforknowledge #strivingtobebetter #sugarart
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Ms. Froggy wants to say hello #FroggyCake #sculptedcake #3Dcake
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Froggy cake!!! #3Dcake #sculptedcake
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: I got to cross off something from my 'caking' bucket list today when I finished making my froggy cake in @karenportaleo's class!!! She was amazing to watch in action. So much talent!! Big shout out to Chrissie from Icings Inspirations for bringing Karen
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Have a bit of time while waiting for my son and thought I'd share my Ursula-crushes-Ariel topsy turvy cake from last October. I made this cake when me and my friend Yumi went to Singapore for Sharon Wee's class. #ididntfollowclassdesign #doingmyownthing