Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
Last photo from the Milk & Cookies set! 😊
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
Cookies & Milk Slumber Party Cake Jars . Cake + Belgian chocolate mousse = L💖VE . I regret not making a lot of extras of the cake jars. I took a teaspoon full then had to share with the rest of the team. I wanted to eat it all!!! ...and
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
Cookies & Milk Slumber Party #chocolatecoveredoreos
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
"C is for cookie, it's good enough for me!" Cookies & Milk Slumber Party #cakepops #cookiedough
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
Cookies & Milk Slumber Party #cupcakes #cookiemonster #slumberparty
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
"C is for cookie, it's good enough for me!" Cookies & Milk Slumber Party #sugarcookies #cookiemonster #milkbottles
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
I finally got myself a copy of Working Mom Magazine Oct issue!!! Feeling so happy about how the sweets came out. If you turn to page 103, there's even some info about me and a photo of the super adorable ruffled bear cake I made last year :)
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
Milk & Cookies Been wanting to do horizontal stripes for a long time. Finally got to do it for this cake for Working Mom Magazine's October issue! :) Check out those custom milk boxes (favor box) made by @styledbysamiandbella. Adorable!!!
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
Milk & Cookies Our contribution to the shoot: cake, cupcakes and sugar cookies! Check out Working Mom Magazine's Oct 2013 issue for for photos! Special shutout to @michellekalejandro for putting together such an amazing spread on party planning in this
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
Milk & Cookies Theme Finally able to share photos from the milk & cookies photo shoot we did for Working Mom Magazine :)
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna:
Red and brown stripes cake It's hard to tell that this 3tier is for a milk and cookies themed party. I couldn't pass up a photo without the toppers as I am in love with it's simplicity. Waiting for more orders like this! :)