Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Chocolate Covered Oreos Alice in Wonderland themed sweets table #aliceinwonderland #chocolatecoveredoreos #devilisinthedetails 😂 #CuppyPuppyBaptism #CuppyPuppyOreos #CuppyPuppyCakeandSweets
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Oreo Pops Liam's Little Man themed baptism . #CuppyPuppySweetsandStyle #tablestylinganddessertspread #CuppyPuppybyJoannaRomero #chocolatecoveredoreos #mustache
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Oreo pops with mini sugar peonies! . #wedding #CuppyPuppySweetsPackage #oreos #cakepops #meringue #phonephoto
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Winter theme Oreo pops #CuppyPuppySweets
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: . Twin Bears Baptism #CuppyPuppySweets
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Our cookies, Oreo pops and cake pops for a cute party today!!! #Repost #theveryhungrycaterpillar
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Cookies and Oreo Pops #hungrycaterpillarparty #
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: The Little Prince themed sweets to match our "Antoine" cake • chocolate covered Oreos • Rice Krispie treats • cake pops #TheLittlePrince #CuppyPuppyByJoannaRomero #SweetsMixPackage #baptism
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Cookies & Milk Slumber Party #chocolatecoveredoreos
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Cake pops and Oreos to match our frilled princess cake #cuppypuppysweets
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Oreo cake pops to match our frilled ombré starfish cake :)
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Chocolate lollipops with sugar accents to match the rest of the #QueenOfHearts theme sweets we made. #JoannaRomeroforCuppyPuppy
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Pink chocolate covered Oreos with glittered 'A' for a little girl's party in school :) Happy birthday Amina!!! #pinkandgold #edibleglitter #chocolatecoveredoreos #cuppypuppysweets
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Lego Racing dessert table The cake was complemented by a whole table of desserts that had a total of 365pcs of assorted sweets *cupcakes with race care toy toppers and edible Lego brick toppers *Lego head shaped cookies and "Enzo" cookies with Le
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Oreo pops with flying bird detail #forabaptism
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: The need for sleep disappears when client comes beaming, saying that they are so happy with their order :) Lego theme dessert table Kenzo's 1st birthday 2014-5-17 Oreo pops with chocolate Lego figures, Lego head cake pops, cupcakes, cookies and Rice
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Frozen theme dessert table Julianna's 7th birthday 2014-5-11 Cake, mini cupcakes, rice crispie treats, Oreo Pops, meringue, sugar cookies by Cuppy Puppy Candies and styling by Kaye Garcia #Repost from @kayegarcia13 --- More dessert details❄️❄️❄️ @cu
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Snowflake & Edible Glitter Oreo Pops Frozen theme party 2014-5-11 Been staring at these chocolate covered Oreos for a while now. I'm so tempted to eat one but there are no extras. :( I knew this would happen! I knew I was going to be tempted! Now, I'
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Teepee cake Pops and Native American theme Oreo pops Turner's 1st birthday 2014-5-3 #PowWowParty #cuppypuppybakehouse
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Teepee cake Pops and Native American theme Oreo pops Turner's 1st birthday 2014-5-3 #PowWowParty #cuppypuppybakehouse
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: OREO POPS and BALLERINA SHOE CAKE POPS Aizeah's ballerina theme party 2014-4-6 I normally don't make shaped cake pops but had to try for these. It seems I did ok but I think I'll stick to round pops. Shaped pops take forever to make! I get very impatien
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: The Little Prince theme Cake Pops and Oreo Pops 2014-2-28 You can't tell from the photo but the crowns were airbrushed in edible gold paint :)
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Little Man (mustache/bow tie) theme
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Spotted some of our Oreo pops and cookies over on Sandy's Instagram and just had to share! Hoping to get nice high-res photos soon :) #Repost from @sandykinss
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Textured Oreo covered cookies, cupcakes, red velvet pops, meringue bites, sugar cookies Tennis theme sweets 2013-5-4 #CuppyPuppySweets for an event by @kayegarcia13
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Around the world Cake Pops & Oreo propeller pops Diego's aviator theme party 2014-2-22 More party photos at @bpardo IG account :)
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Target shooting!!! Oreo pops Alfonso's 1st birthday Top Gun theme party 2014-2-15 #Repost from @kayegarcia13
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Port hole Oreo pops Nautical theme Franco's first birthday 2014-2-2 RG @kayegarcia13: @cuppypuppymommy @faithywee
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Tangerine & Aqua Elephant theme Sophia's sweets table 2013-7-21 How could I forget to repost these photos!!! I am not so sure if I as able to take photos of these sweets so reposting these ones from the stylist's instagram account :) #Repost from @
Cuppy Puppy Mommy Joanna: Marie Antoinette theme party 2014-1-11 Chocolate covered Oreos ... with edible glitter ... with cameo and pearls ... with chocolate drizzle