John Guy2010: Wayne Morgan and Friends
John Guy2010: Down Memory Lane Committee
John Guy2010: Jim Joy, MC
John Guy2010: Audience for Concert
John Guy2010: Claudine Garland, Cupids 400
John Guy2010: Welcome!
John Guy2010: All Hallows School Fiddlers
John Guy2010: Audience Enjoys the Simms Brothers.
John Guy2010: Recitation by Hubert Furey
John Guy2010: Simms Brothers
John Guy2010: Jim Whalen
John Guy2010: Paddy Phillips and Lenor Smith
John Guy2010: Five Roses Drawers Skit
John Guy2010: All Hallows Fiddle Band in the audience.
John Guy2010: Mr. Fred Hickey
John Guy2010: "The End"
John Guy2010: Audience Listens to Mr. Hickey.
John Guy2010: Ray Johnson of Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellers
John Guy2010: Mr. Fred Hickey and friend.
John Guy2010: Jim Whalen and Ray Johnson
John Guy2010: "God guard thee, Newfoundland."
John Guy2010: Concert Organizers
John Guy2010: Claudine Garland, Jim Whelan, and Dennis Flynn
John Guy2010: Banner
John Guy2010: Bride and Dennis
John Guy2010: Cleaning dishes
John Guy2010: Hard Working Committe
John Guy2010: Event Organizers
John Guy2010: Jim Joy and Paddy Phillips
John Guy2010: Fillidiae