John Guy2010: Squanto (aka Squantum, Tisquantum)
John Guy2010: Mounting for Squanto's Head
John Guy2010: Squanto's spirit
John Guy2010: Squanto - the Survivor
John Guy2010: Head of Squanto Plaque
John Guy2010: Plimoth Plantation, Plymouth, MA 02360-2436, United States
John Guy2010: Wampanoag woman
John Guy2010: Plimoth Plantation
John Guy2010: Sunlight Through Trees.
John Guy2010: Wampanoag Structure
John Guy2010: Drying Rack for Animal Skins
John Guy2010: Corn Growing
John Guy2010: Corn and drying rack
John Guy2010: Wampanoag Structure
John Guy2010: Working on Homesite
John Guy2010: Structure through trees
John Guy2010: Garden
John Guy2010: Food roasting over fire
John Guy2010: Wampanoag man.
John Guy2010: Drying Rack
John Guy2010: Entrance to home.
John Guy2010: Wampanoag woman cooking.
John Guy2010: Corn near homesite.
John Guy2010: Interior of Home
John Guy2010: Wampanoag woman
John Guy2010: Animal skin near canoe
John Guy2010: Wampanoag man building canoe
John Guy2010: Wampanoag man
John Guy2010: Wampanoag Home