hello jenny: 1/365 Chuck in the Alley
hello jenny: Just kickin' out the jams 2/365
hello jenny: 3/365
hello jenny: What Should I Wear? 4/365
hello jenny: Chuck, 5/365
hello jenny: Finally Fall 6/365
hello jenny: 7/365 Gettin' Her Estate Sale On
hello jenny: The wrong drink... 8/365
hello jenny: Tree Climbin' Chuck 9/365
hello jenny: 10/365
hello jenny: 11/365 Pumpkin Carvin'
hello jenny: 12/365 Jack o' Lantern
hello jenny: Just Hangin' Around 13/365
hello jenny: 14/365
hello jenny: Happy Halloween! 15/365
hello jenny: 16/365
hello jenny: 17/365
hello jenny: CHUCK!!! 18/365
hello jenny: Workin' It - 19/365
hello jenny: 20/365
hello jenny: 23/365
hello jenny: 21/365 Chuck on the Road
hello jenny: 22/365
hello jenny: 24/365
hello jenny: 25/365
hello jenny: 26/365 -- Veteran's Day
hello jenny: 27/365 Meet Lucky
hello jenny: 28/365 Chuck and her Sisters
hello jenny: 29/365 Chuck at Sunset
hello jenny: 30/365