Three legged workhorse: Me tome una selfie, fallé. 👍
Three legged workhorse: "Come to me" character.
Three legged workhorse: Hands and part of the shield done.
Three legged workhorse: I'm a little sick, so i just started to paint this GM sniper to make it look like a classic european art. Hope this turns out great, i need the good vibe.
Three legged workhorse: First time working with manga studio. I think i'm un love. Be brave.
Three legged workhorse: Ya lo eche a perder un par de veces, pero voy a seguir sólo porque quiero saber en que estaba pensando cuando se me ocurrió hacer esto.
Three legged workhorse: Saint Sebastian, the fight and the sacrifice, WIP.
Three legged workhorse: Debe ser de mis figuras favoritas, aun despues de casi 18 años
Three legged workhorse: "You've got the heart of a lion"
Three legged workhorse: If this hand could speak... It would talk about how alone we are.
Three legged workhorse: Oh, hi beastman.
Three legged workhorse: Gundam mobile suits visual reference 😄💜
Three legged workhorse: Viaje de 5 horas? No hay lío.
Three legged workhorse: Yokai sketch #1
Three legged workhorse: Yokai sketch #1
Three legged workhorse: Lord cholins, Siglo XVIII.
Three legged workhorse: Alfin hay tiempo para dibujar mas flores! A darle!
Three legged workhorse: I want to sleep forever, but i love this project so much, i just can't stop working. I think my left eye just exploded.
Three legged workhorse: First one, done.
Three legged workhorse: Just made a fb page where i'll be posting illustrations, advances In my animated short, stuff i like and some giveaways.
Three legged workhorse: changed the rat.
Three legged workhorse: No estaba conforme con el tronco, le hice ramitas mejor.
Three legged workhorse: Guys and girls, i need some feedback with this, im making some changes In my last illustration, everyone (my teachers included) told why the rat was dead and that didn't liked to them. What do you think? You can check the old version on my portfolio or he
Three legged workhorse: Correcting poses
Three legged workhorse: Let's do this.
Three legged workhorse: From the time my gf took me a photo In a studio. I think this will be the only photo of my face you'll see .
Three legged workhorse: Small exercise with india ink, ecoline, yellow marker and a little bit of tea. Never used ecoline before, so was really fun.
Three legged workhorse: I have the weird habit to buy broken toys to fix them. Ms-sora.