cumulo-nimbus: How to move a 14-tonne stone sculpture from China to Boston
cumulo-nimbus: Watch out, big crane!
cumulo-nimbus: Gently uncrating the sculpture with power tools
cumulo-nimbus: Gently uncrating the sculpture with power tools
cumulo-nimbus: Pink circles mark the spots
cumulo-nimbus: Looking down from the new Sloan building
cumulo-nimbus: Looking down from the new Sloan building
cumulo-nimbus: Main Street, Cambridge
cumulo-nimbus: The top of the frame is ready to go
cumulo-nimbus: Boss Man is well pleased with the progress
cumulo-nimbus: Top of the sculpture frame pops off
cumulo-nimbus: Top of the sculpture frame pops off...
cumulo-nimbus: ...and puts the sculpture on the ground
cumulo-nimbus: ...and puts the sculpture on the ground
cumulo-nimbus: Making sure the weight bearing spots match up
cumulo-nimbus: Plop, down it goes.
cumulo-nimbus: Taking the frame away
cumulo-nimbus: Adjusting each ring with the crane
cumulo-nimbus: Adjusting height of each ring with jacks
cumulo-nimbus: Almost there...
cumulo-nimbus: A hearty dinner at Upstairs on the Square
cumulo-nimbus: Day 2: Inserting the pine tree saplings
cumulo-nimbus: Day 2: Inserting the pine tree saplings
cumulo-nimbus: Pine trees from the sky
cumulo-nimbus: Everyone posing as funny pine trees
cumulo-nimbus: Everyone posing as funny pine trees
cumulo-nimbus: Tree in a burlap root ball