CultureHoundGary: Zorastrian temple
CultureHoundGary: 50yrold-3kids from 24 down
CultureHoundGary: ancient bazaar
CultureHoundGary: Beluchi Azerbi girls
CultureHoundGary: bride on balcony
CultureHoundGary: carried around sq by people
CultureHoundGary: fire burning 1500 yrs
CultureHoundGary: Friday mosque
CultureHoundGary: gypsy girl (2)
CultureHoundGary: in the family car with smile
CultureHoundGary: in the teahouse
CultureHoundGary: lovely face
CultureHoundGary: luring you into gramma's shop!
CultureHoundGary: many ways to wear your hijab
CultureHoundGary: market beggar
CultureHoundGary: starts school this week
CultureHoundGary: tower of silence
CultureHoundGary: towers of silence
CultureHoundGary: wind towers