culturehackday: Hack presentations
culturehackday: Hack presentations
culturehackday: Team #chd11: @beyongolia, @rachelcolidcutt, @katybeale
culturehackday: Prize for Star Wars Pez dispenser for FilmFlexicon
culturehackday: Winner of the Semantic Award for Semanticness i.e. "most useful to @rachelcoldicutt award" for Semantic Webifier
culturehackday: ArtFinderA & B and LuvvieScore win Best Design
culturehackday: Award for Outstanding Comic Acheivement goes to subvertle
culturehackday: De-Rezzing Prize goes to Team T'Other Time for Minecraft Museum
culturehackday: De-Rezzing Prize goes to Team T'Other Time for Minecraft Museum
culturehackday: Empty Galleries award goes to Dan W winning some fantastic art books
culturehackday: The Best Hack that Highlights the Threat of Cataclysm Against Culture goes to TescoFresco #chd11
culturehackday: The Back End Heroes Prize goes to Matthew, Kevin and Alistair! Winning board game remix kits and Greenwich Royal Observatory tickets
culturehackday: Judge Dan Hon from Wieden + Kennedy
culturehackday: Prizes
culturehackday: Prizes
culturehackday: Prizes
culturehackday: Prizes
culturehackday: @markjames
culturehackday: @andrewlowther, @markjames
culturehackday: @lucas42
culturehackday: James Aylett @jaylett, Chris Thorpe @jaggeree
culturehackday: Kim Plowright @mildlydiverting
culturehackday: Roderick Hodgson @roderickhodgson
culturehackday: Stef Lewandowski @stef
culturehackday: Katie Ellen, Stef Lewandowski @stef
culturehackday: Ben Firshman @bfirsh
culturehackday: Clare Lovell @clarelovell, Matthew Somerville @dracos
culturehackday: Becky Stewart @theleadingzero
culturehackday: Brendan @brendanquinn
culturehackday: Melinda Seckington @mseckington