cudmore: reach
cudmore: favorite
cudmore: PICT0340-01
cudmore: PICT0344-01
cudmore: PICT0346-01
cudmore: PICT0348-01
cudmore: nouvelle statue de la liberté
cudmore: attention getter
cudmore: Manifestation à Marseille
cudmore: spectacle
cudmore: cameraphone frenzy
cudmore: tri color
cudmore: Manifestation paisible à Marseille / Peaceful protest in Marseille
cudmore: peaceful
cudmore: photographer later
cudmore: more statues of liberty
cudmore: night ensues
cudmore: smoke in the eyes
cudmore: the beginning
cudmore: P1010002
cudmore: P1010008
cudmore: P1010009
cudmore: P1010011
cudmore: lots of people here
cudmore: P1010014
cudmore: P1010015
cudmore: P1010016
cudmore: P1010017
cudmore: P1010018
cudmore: P1010020