Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Alan Fitter, CSC supporter on the 4th Plinth, London, UK
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Justice for the Miami 5, Trafalgar Square, London, UK
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Kyran Connolly of the NUJ and CSC Executive flying the flag in Trafalgar Square, London
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: CSC supporters take the campaign for justice for the Miami 5 to Trafalgar Square,London
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Free the Miami 5, Trafalgar Square, London
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Musicians at the bottom of the 4th Plinth in Trafalgar Square, London
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Justice for the Miami 5, Trafalgar Square, London
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: CSC supporter, Alan Fitter, on the 4th Plinth, Trafalgar Square, London