Cuba Solidarity Campaign: The platform at the CSC fringe - TUC Congress 2009
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Brendan Barber speaking at the CSC fringe meeting - TUC Congress 2009
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: CSC fringe meeting at TUC Congress 2009
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: The CTC delegation at the TUC Congress 2009
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Packed audience at the CSC fringe meeting - TUC Congress 2009
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Bob Crow, General Secretary of the RMT at the CSC fringe - TUC 2009
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON at the CSC fringe - TUC 2009
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Tony Woodley, Joint General Secretary of Unite
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Christine Blower, NUT at the CSC fringe meeting - TUC 2009
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Brendan Barber speaking at the CSC fringe meeting - TUC Congress 2008, Brighton, UK
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: Tony Benn speaking at the CSC fringe meeting - TUC Congress 2008
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: TUC Congress 2006
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: TUC Congress 2004
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: TUC Congress 2008
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: TUC Congress 2008
Cuba Solidarity Campaign: TUC fringe meeting 2008