milomingo: nobody home ~ capillaries vs cholesterol
milomingo: letting go
milomingo: spring is here, sort of
milomingo: misty spring drizzle, an adieu to winter
milomingo: Skaldi's Last Hurrah
milomingo: arterials
milomingo: a walk in the park
milomingo: blustery spring sky
milomingo: a walk in the park too
milomingo: a river unwelcome
milomingo: air dusters
milomingo: un ciel de frondes
milomingo: crowned
milomingo: purple haze
milomingo: sanctuary icon
milomingo: Desert Sentinal
milomingo: knobby tree and me
milomingo: late afternoon profusion
milomingo: autumn effulgence
milomingo: Waiting for Godot
milomingo: domes in the midst
milomingo: canopy capers
milomingo: I dreamt of spirits in the wood, who revealed themselves one by one, and in their presence my dread dispelled, and I was comforted
milomingo: herald the night (filtered)
milomingo: wish we were here
milomingo: autumn ramblin
milomingo: autumn glow
milomingo: mosaic
milomingo: stroll...
milomingo: blanketed