ctscsq: Dudu deep in thought
ctscsq: 毛主席走进“大众”
ctscsq: 北四环的黄昏
ctscsq: 张梓琳的演技真高啊.....
ctscsq: Sunday Morning Tea Time
ctscsq: Dudu's little spring break :)
ctscsq: Ah...the sweet smell of spring...
ctscsq: SERIOUSLY?!
ctscsq: 兔爷和模特
ctscsq: 清明节的人...
ctscsq: 子夜的玉兰
ctscsq: I smell a bone somewhere!
ctscsq: 踏青-密云
ctscsq: 街头的莞尔 :)
ctscsq: Dudu found another female dog...
ctscsq: Huge fish at "Impression"
ctscsq: Sorry, fishie... that gotta hurt...
ctscsq: Dudu is tired after whole-day-female-dog-chasing session...
ctscsq: 铁观音和花瓣儿的热吻
ctscsq: 敲锣打鼓的重庆
ctscsq: 载歌载舞的重庆
ctscsq: Open space and not filled with tourists? I like it...at Dazu
ctscsq: 导游让我们猜这是啥,我说是猫,她说是老虎。谁见过这么喜庆的老虎啊?
ctscsq: 大足石刻的金刚战斗群
ctscsq: 三生万物
ctscsq: Budda is having a productive napping session
ctscsq: Our tour guide has a fine theory as why these folks look somewhat ugly...
ctscsq: 红卫兵卖火锅
ctscsq: Our server and her two American "Comrades" :)
ctscsq: 重庆长江夜景