ctscsq: 在罗马街头的大排档泡铁观音
ctscsq: First encouter with the rain on the trip
ctscsq: Colosseum... how did they so this 2000 years ago?
ctscsq: Ponte Regina Margherita over River Tiber
ctscsq: Spanish Steps... look at the crowd!
ctscsq: Sipping some java at Cafe Greco
ctscsq: $9 coffee, anyone?
ctscsq: Not in mood for the crowd? climb up, buddy.
ctscsq: Cute store near Spanish square
ctscsq: Seagull at Fountain de Trevi
ctscsq: Pantheon
ctscsq: I thought it is impossible to make a car smaller than Smart...
ctscsq: food! I am in the mood for Italian :)
ctscsq: Free museum day!!!
ctscsq: Holy Pigeon tempted by holy bread
ctscsq: At Saint Peter's Square
ctscsq: I can't stop growing obelisk out of my head!
ctscsq: At Saint Peter's Square
ctscsq: Where is everyone, and more importantly...where is Pope...?
ctscsq: Smart car EVERYWHERE
ctscsq: Cow on the street? I am confused...
ctscsq: Not sure what it means...anyone understand Italian?
ctscsq: Best gelato in Rome
ctscsq: Roman Forum
ctscsq: Colosseum from afar
ctscsq: 竞技场的夕阳
ctscsq: 可见本人异常钟爱此门
ctscsq: 古罗马广场的某凯旋门
ctscsq: 古罗马广场
ctscsq: 凯撒墓....惨点儿